
From Wolf Roleplay Wiki



Pre Teekon

Born to average parents in an average pack, Danica's family was forced to relocate when she was young as the group disbanded. They quickly found another home and joined, lowest rungs on a large totem pole. As a child she was shy, but as she grew, she learned that few gave a damn what she had to say. Twisting the narrative, she decided that rather than keep her mouth shut, she in turn wouldn't give a damn what they thought. She learned to speak her mind.

One of the higher ranking young males in the pack took note. He began to court her, but Danica only had eyes for her best friend. The pack was old fashioned; when she made her feelings known, the affections were not returned. Disgusted, her best friend went to leadership, who cast Danica from the pack with force. Before she disappeared, she returned the favor, attacking her former flame and friend. The two parted bitter enemies.

She wandered, but did not gel with many packs. Her humor was sardonic and her mouth got her into more trouble than most. She was turbulent and rebellious and did not respond well to authority that blustered.

Swiftcurrent Creek

When Danica stumbled across Swiftcurrent Creek, she was met by Fox, who accepted her into the pack on the condition that she would assist in sending a warning to a group at odds with them. She agreed and joined the ranks.