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She was born, then she left home when she was close to turning one year old. Upon arriving in the Teekon Wilds, she joined Swiftcurrent Creek on a whim and was one of its founding members. Not long after, the Alpha (Lethe) drowned herself, and Fox (again, on a whim) stepped up to become the creek's second Alpha.

After various conflicts with both Jace and Ferdie, who were members of the creek, she finally told them to get lost. They founded their own pack, The Sunspire, which Fox was not happy about, believing it to be much too close to Swiftcurrent Creek. She assaulted them for months until they finally captured two creek members: Magpie and Leaf. Fox returned to the creek and fell asleep next to her romantic interest, Haunter, only to awaken to his dead body.

In a daze, she traveled to Blacktail Deer Plateau, leaving the creek in a state of frenzy. She was greeted by Peregrine, a frienemy she'd known for quite some time and who had shown interest in her since he had split up with his former mate, Hawkeye. Feeling that she owed him something in return, Fox offered herself.

Upon returning to the creek a few days later, Fox was met by Bazi, who challenged her authority. They fought, and in the end, Bazi claimed the crown. Fox returned to the plateau with Peregrine, where she was immediately given the title of Beta. Many of the plateau members, including the Alpha female, were not pleased with this, and there was much unrest. Even so, Blue Willow offered Fox the Alpha rank less than a month after she had arrived.

Fox spent another month at Blacktail Deer Plateau before finally admitting to Peregrine that she was unhappy there and did not feel like she could ever be at peace until they found something that they both loved. They set out to find something, and when Fox slipped and injured herself on an icy edge of Redhawk Caldera, they claimed it as their own.

Fox gave birth her first litter (Derp, Nightjar, Wildfire, and Raven) in late February. Derp died less than a week after his birth, but Nightjar, Wildfire, and Raven grew like weeds during their first few months. In May, Peregrine brought Junior into the caldera after she tricked him into thinking that she meant no harm. Junior then attempted to hurt Wildfire, and Peregrine ripped Junior's head off. At that point, Fox booted Peregrine to the bottom of the ranks, demanded that all wolves of the caldera train to be either wardens or warriors, and told Perry he could return to his former status once one of his children had gained the title of warden or warrior. Around this time, Fox learned that her best friend and Beta, Finley, was pregnant with Elwood's children, causing another ripple in Redhawk Caldera.

In the summer of 2015, Peregrine, Fox, and the Firebirds adopted the surname "Redhawk." The rest of the summer and fall went by without many ripples. Fox and Peregrine thought they may have conceived in early October, something Fox was particularly glad did not pan out. Wildfire left Redhawk Caldera and moved to Moonspear, and Raven seemingly vanished shortly after. Smack-dab in the middle of winter, Fox and Peregrine again tried for children with more appropriate timing.

Four boys were born to Fox and Peregrine in late February of 2016: Ferret, Gannet, Whip-poor-will, and Peter Pan Redhawk. In late April, a locust swarm swept through the Teekon Wilds while Fox was checking in on Wildfire in Moonspear. She was met by a stranger who claimed that Wifi no longer lived there. Before she had time to ask questions, a locust flew into her right eye, giving her a nasty infection and eventually resulting in the loss of partial vision in that eye.

Just a few days into June, during the famine, Peter was found, killed, and eaten by an intruder. Not long after, Ferret attempted to kill Peregrine and was promptly chased out. Not long after, while attempting to conceive their next litter, Peregrine died. In a surprising turn of events, Raven returned the day after her father died. Another wolf, Kaizer Bluesummer, showed up the same day, and Fox ended up boning him to assure that she was pregnant. It is unclear if the resulting litter is Peregrine's or Kaizer's (or both).

After a fairly chaotic pregnancy, Fox died during childbirth on January 1, 2017.