
From Wolf Roleplay Wiki

Lore of Founding

Though the truth has long since gotten lost, as the stories are told by the Elders and over time stories have changed, the bloodline and culture was founded by Greytooth; first of his name. The idea for this bloodline and culture came when a raven, dark as the darkest night sky Svart visited Greytooth in his sleep, laying out the foundations that would make up the Svartravn family. Consequentially, a white raven named Kvit would be labeled as a traitor god, of whom Greytooth's brother: Greyworm worshipped, spilling the secret of a supposed betrayak. Over time, a great blood prejudice was borne, fed eagerly by the Elders of the family.

Distinguishing family traits

Dark pelages ( blacks, browns, greys ) are typical. Any eye color / size / build is fine. Any born with light coloration as their primary pelage color will be spurned: they are either killed as cubs, made to stay in lower ranks or kicked out of the pack entirely. Light colored markings may also be brutally spurned from the family though this is typically handled case by case. It could differ between the branch-off's.


Outside of Game

In Game History



Typically have a two names: a norse inspired name given at birth and a secondary name that is either personal or used when around non-family members.

Surname meaning

'Svart' = swarthy; 'ravn' = raven


Svart, the raven god ( inspired by Huginn ). Though Svart is their main god there may be other, lesser gods, as the family branched off of their main/founding pack.


The elders of this family refuse to speak anything but 'Norwegian', thus they should know the language fluently. Whether the characters brought in-game keep to it or not is entirely up to them.

Out of Game Packs

Ibenholtravn - the main pack founded by Greytooth

See also

Feuding for generations with the Kvitravn family.