
From Wolf Roleplay Wiki


by Wilthking

Kiwi was small and delicate with chocolate brown fur and vivid green eyes. There was nothing dainty about her personality; she carried herself with a haughty hubris that bordered on insufferable.

The girl had no empathy for others unless the image of it in some way benefitted her. She was the personification of pride and took both rejection and insults extremely badly. Jealousy consumed her and she expected to be the center of attention; she was often deeply insulted when this failed to be the case.

Kiwi was a perfectionist and tended to twist situations so that she always came out in the right, even within her own mind. She judged others unfailingly, but the degree to which she did so depended on how highly they placed her. If she felt she was a priority to them, she was often more forgiving.

Defining Characteristics

  • Narcissistic
  • Driven
  • Paranoid
  • Intense
  • Cruel to anyone "weak"





  • Sequoia - considered a sister through childhood (potentially more)
  • Yami - only family Kiwi acknowledged for a time, also more than a friend, not exactly a sister


