Greyjoy Svartravn
From Wolf Roleplay Wiki
Full Name
Fimbultýr Greyjoy Svartravn
Heavily scarred, silver eyes, blue-black and some dustings of frosted silver; of which marks him as tainted in the bloodline.

The Svartravn clan.
Pre Teekon
As per Svartravn custom dictates: Greyjoy is not viewed as a "pure-blood" Svartravn due to the dusting of frosted silver upon his back; his blood is tainted and though he trained diligently beneath Greyiron, his life was far from easy.
He was given the most grueling of tasks both in cubhood and adulthood. It is his connection to Greyiron alone that spared him from death or worse, shunning from the clan.
In Game
by: chickenbusiness via deviantart